Monday, October 5, 2009

ed·i·fi·ca·tion (d-f-kshn)n. Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment Main Entry: ed·i·fi·ca·tion Pronunciation: \ˌe-də-fə-ˈkā-s

I write, yes
for my own edification,
for the moment where my fingers are lost
between the thought I have
and the keys I press.
I write for the music I hear when tilting my head just so-
I write to get my mind going well enough and coherently when I feel slow
until, unrestrained, I produce a very satisfying "clickety-clack"
(though not, I must say, as satisfying as the tenor of an old typewriter).
I write for the feeling of drunkeness, of
the richness of power that choice brings,
I write when I feel like I have to say SOMETHING;
when the long thoughts become repetitive sentences and visualized ideas
(I mean, I have been thinking all day about
what must be considered-)
I write to seek solutions.
I write for the chance to say something that seems too simple, too reasonable, too commonsensical
to have not been said in so long...
I write to shame the fear that impregnates immorality.
I write because I remember writing everything I have written;
I remember the tune, if not the chords,
where the inspiration came from,
what mood precipitated the chosen phrases,
the people in my life who where important to me at that time
I write for the words I use, for their opportunity to shine,
I write because when I don't write
I realize I am robbing myself, not the universe
of some essential truth
that can only be reached and understood while writing.

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