Monday, May 12, 2008


The wide-eyed many story glare
of those who stare
back at you
and it's darker than usual in here
I can't hear
a damn thing, you think

Maybe you could see to flip the switch on the wall above your head on your way in
if you ever see anything at all-

And you're the perfect way to ruin my day

Take off your hat in the presence of a lady
Stand up, when she enters the room
I wanna keep her with me
I wann keep her alive
I want to keep her safe

You thought you saw a fragment of your reflection so you
point your tongue in my direction
and it is ok to check
because the moon is still there
Creating Deja vu
Sparkling on the edge of the sweat on her forehead and
you swear you could feel the earth move

And the many-storied glare
of those who stare
Back at you

I don't want to know
what you're about to tell me
I don't want to talk about it, we've been through this before
It's just gonna be another show with me dancing on the table
Perfect chance to prove to me that we can't do this on our own

(she, asks me, to open the door when I leave
and darling, we, no we, we don't get any younger)
Shhh...think of me as a metaphor

It's the mirror
It's the mirror
It's the mirror
And you're the perfect way to ruin my day.

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